Improving Care Through Improv
"I loved how entertaining it was while educational. It was easy to stay engaged and enjoy learning . . .I [now] know better how to communicate with patients who have dementia. I now know techniques I can use to not say, "No" and instead say, "Yes, and . . ."
- Emory Nursing Student
ITI’s dementia based program, Improving Care through Improv was developed by Amanda Lee Williams in partnership with Dr. Candace Kemp, from the Gerontology Institute at Georgia State University. This collaboration includes training healthcare workers, including direct care workers and students as well as care partners who are family and friends. The goal is to improve dementia care experiences through the application of improv techniques.
We have two options for care partners to learn more about how improvisation can help use the power of “yes, and…” to have more successful interactions with people living with dementia.
Option 1: Large Group Presentation for Professional Care Partners
Improvisers from Dad’s Garage, along with Dr. Candace Kemp from Georgia State University, present the concepts behind improving care through improv. Part show, part presentation - research is presented in a fun and engaging way using improv scenes to illustrate key points.
Option 2: Small Group Workshop: Professional Care Partners
This workshop can accommodate up to 20 people and provides a more hands on approach to learning how to use improv to work with people living with dementia. Workshop participants leave with a new set of tools to bring to their profession. If you have a larger group, we can provide more educators.
Want to bring one or both of our programs to your conference or organization?
Friends and Family
Training for family and friends is in the research and development phase. Please stay tuned!
Supported in part by awards to Georgia Gear from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 1U1Q33070 and 1U1QHP53036